About Us

Ben Brown, Agency Principal

Ben lives in Lancaster City with his wife, Emily. Before launching Red Rose Insurance, he worked for Allstate Insurance and was the Sales Manager of one of the highest-rated agencies in the country. Prior to working in insurance, he was the Director of Operations at a church.

Ben is a die-hard baseball fan and enjoys going to the dog park with his dog, Winston. He deeply believes the future of insurance is in reducing the risk itself, leveraging technology, and working for the common good.

Unlike a captive, or direct insurance company who only offers their own proprietary products, our agency is 100% independent of any one company. Many insurance consumers don’t fully understand just how important that really is. When it comes to something as important as insurance, it’s imperative that you work with an agency who has an in-depth knowledge of multiple insurance products, companies, and guidelines — not just one.

At the end of the day, what separates one agent from another, is their ability to proactively service their policy holders, and their knowledge of the insurance industry, products, and different situations that may present themselves to their clients.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Red Rose Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!